Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Different animal style brooches at incredible prices

Duckling Gold Plated Colorful Brooch Decorated w/ Cubic Zircon

A great looking brooch is always an appreciated fashion accessory, beautiful colorful duckling decorated with Cubic Zircon, is one of the best looking brooches , this cute brooch will add a sparkling flair to your jacket lapel or scarf. This brooch is perfect to give a fun, artistic flair to whatever it is that you are wearing. Each brooch is created for people who love high quality handcrafted jewelry with a price that is sure to make you smile. A great gift idea or an addition to your jewel collection. Pretty and feminine describes this vintage Brooch and excellent crafted Very Elegant Dainty and Sleek! An absolutely gorgeous vintage brooch ...
Pin Length: 1 1/4 inch wide and 1 inch long
Guarantee:100% Satisfaction for Material & Workmanship used in making this Jewelry

Jewelry Photo:
Duckling Gold Plated Colorful Brooch Decorated w/ Cubic Zircon

ZZZNo Manual Keyword,Duckling Gold,Duckling Plated,Duckling Colorful,Duckling Brooch,Duckling Decorated,Duckling Cubic,Duckling Zircon,Gold Duckling,Gold Plated,Gold Colorful,Gold Brooch,Gold Decorated,Gold Cubic,Gold Zircon,Plated Duckling,Plated Gold,Plated Colorful,Plated Brooch,Plated Decorated,Plated Cubic,Plated Zircon,Colorful Duckling,Colorful Gold,Colorful Plated,Colorful Brooch,Colorful Decorated,Colorful Cubic,Colorful Zircon,Brooch Duckling,Brooch Gold,Brooch Plated,Brooch Colorful,Brooch Decorated,Brooch Cubic,Brooch Zircon,Decorated Duckling,Decorated Gold,Decorated Plated,Decorated Colorful,Decorated Brooch,Decorated Cubic,Decorated Zircon,Cubic Duckling,Cubic Gold,Cubic Plated,Cubic Colorful,Cubic Brooch,Cubic Decorated,Cubic Zircon,Zircon Duckling,Zircon Gold,Zircon Plated,Zircon Colorful,Zircon Brooch,Zircon Decorated

Animal Brooch Gold Plated Red Duck w/ Gold Wings Decorated CZ

A great looking brooch is always an appreciated fashion accessory, beautiful gold plated red duck with gold wings decorated with cubic zircon, is one of the best looking brooches , this cute brooch will add a sparkling flair to your jacket lapel or scarf. This brooch is perfect to give a fun, artistic flair to whatever it is that you are wearing. Each brooch is created for people who love high quality handcrafted jewelry with a price that is sure to make you smile. A great gift idea or an addition to your jewel collection. Pretty and feminine describes this vintage Brooch and excellent crafted Very Elegant Dainty and Sleek! An absolutely gorgeous vintage brooch ...
Pin Length: 1 1/2 inch wide and 1 1/2 inches long
Guarantee:100% Satisfaction for Material & Workmanship used in making this Jewelry

Jewelry Photo:
Animal Brooch Gold Plated Red Duck w/ Gold Wings Decorated CZ

ZZZNo Manual Keyword,Animal Brooch,Animal Gold,Animal Plated,Animal Red,Animal Duck,Animal Wings,Animal Decorated,Animal CZ,Brooch Animal,Brooch Gold,Brooch Plated,Brooch Red,Brooch Duck,Brooch Wings,Brooch Decorated,Brooch CZ,Gold Animal,Gold Brooch,Gold Plated,Gold Red,Gold Duck,Gold Wings,Gold Decorated,Gold CZ,Plated Animal,Plated Brooch,Plated Gold,Plated Red,Plated Duck,Plated Wings,Plated Decorated,Plated CZ,Red Animal,Red Brooch,Red Gold,Red Plated,Red Duck,Red Wings,Red Decorated,Red CZ,Duck Animal,Duck Brooch,Duck Gold,Duck Plated,Duck Red,Duck Wings,Duck Decorated,Duck CZ,Wings Animal,Wings Brooch,Wings Gold,Wings Plated,Wings Red,Wings Duck,Wings Decorated,Wings CZ,CZ Animal

Silver Glitter Animal Brooch Gold Plated Silver Duck w/ Gold Wings Decorated CZ

A great looking brooch is always an appreciated fashion accessory, beautiful gold plated silver Gilttered duck with gold wings decorated with cubic zircon, is one of the best looking brooches , this cute brooch will add a sparkling flair to your jacket lapel or scarf. This brooch is perfect to give a fun, artistic flair to whatever it is that you are wearing. Each brooch is created for people who love high quality handcrafted jewelry with a price that is sure to make you smile. A great gift idea or an addition to your jewel collection. Pretty and feminine describes this vintage Brooch and excellent crafted Very Elegant Dainty and Sleek! An absolutely gorgeous vintage brooch ...
Pin Length: 1 1/2 inch wide and 1 1/2 inches long
Guarantee:100% Satisfaction for Material & Workmanship used in making this Jewelry

Jewelry Photo:
Silver Glitter Animal Brooch Gold Plated Silver Duck w/ Gold Wings Decorated CZ

ZZZNo Manual Keyword,Silver Glitter,Silver Animal,Silver Brooch,Silver Gold,Silver Plated,Silver Duck,Silver Wings,Silver Decorated,Silver CZ,Glitter Silver,Glitter Animal,Glitter Brooch,Glitter Gold,Glitter Plated,Glitter Duck,Glitter Wings,Glitter Decorated,Glitter CZ,Animal Silver,Animal Glitter,Animal Brooch,Animal Gold,Animal Plated,Animal Duck,Animal Wings,Animal Decorated,Animal CZ,Brooch Silver,Brooch Glitter,Brooch Animal,Brooch Gold,Brooch Plated,Brooch Duck,Brooch Wings,Brooch Decorated,Brooch CZ,Gold Silver,Gold Glitter,Gold Animal,Gold Brooch,Gold Plated,Gold Duck,Gold Wings,Gold Decorated,Gold CZ,Plated Silver,Plated Glitter,Plated Animal,Plated Brooch,Plated Gold,Plated Duck,Plated Wings,Duck CZ

Gold Pussy Cat Brooch Very Cute Brooch w/ Cubic Zircon On Body Brooch

A great looking brooch is always an appreciated fashion accessory, beautiful and very cute gold pussy cat brooch with cubic zircon decorated on her body, is one of the best looking brooches , this cute brooch will add a sparkling flair to your jacket lapel or scarf. This brooch is perfect to give a fun, artistic flair to whatever it is that you are wearing. Each brooch is created for people who love high quality handcrafted jewelry with a price that is sure to make you smile. A great gift idea or an addition to your jewel collection. Pretty and feminine describes this vintage Brooch and excellent crafted Very Elegant Dainty and Sleek! An absolutely gorgeous vintage brooch ...
Pin Length: 1 3/4 inch long
Guarantee:100% Satisfaction for Material & Workmanship used in making this Jewelry

Jewelry Photo:
Gold Pussy Cat Brooch Very Cute Brooch w/ Cubic Zircon On Body Brooch

ZZZNo Manual Keyword,Gold Pussy,Gold Cat,Gold Brooch,Gold Very,Gold Cute,Gold Cubic,Gold Zircon,Gold On,Gold Body,Pussy Gold,Pussy Cat,Pussy Brooch,Pussy Very,Pussy Cute,Pussy Cubic,Pussy Zircon,Pussy On,Pussy Body,Cat Gold,Cat Pussy,Cat Brooch,Cat Very,Cat Cute,Cat Cubic,Cat Zircon,Cat On,Cat Body,Brooch Gold,Brooch Pussy,Brooch Cat,Brooch Very,Brooch Cute,Brooch Cubic,Brooch Zircon,Brooch On,Brooch Body,Very Gold,Very Pussy,Very Cat,Very Brooch,Very Cute,Very Cubic,Very Zircon,Very On,Very Body,Cute Gold,Cute Pussy,Cute Cat,Cute Brooch,Cute Very,Cute Cubic,Cute Zircon,Cute On,Cute Body,Cubic Gold,Cubic Pussy

Peridot and olive Rhinestone Brooch Kitty Face Very Cute Brooch

A great looking brooch is always an appreciated fashion accessory, very cute kitty face fully embedded and encrusted with peridot and olivine rhinestone, is one of the best looking brooches , this cute brooch will add a sparkling flair to your jacket lapel or scarf. This brooch is perfect to give a fun, artistic flair to whatever it is that you are wearing. Each brooch is created for people who love high quality handcrafted jewelry with a price that is sure to make you smile. A great gift idea or an addition to your jewel collection. Pretty and feminine describes this vintage Brooch and excellent crafted Very Elegant Dainty and Sleek! An absolutely gorgeous vintage brooch ...
Pin Length: 1 inch wide and 1 inch long
Guarantee:100% Satisfaction for Material & Workmanship used in making this Jewelry

Jewelry Photo:
Peridot and olive Rhinestone Brooch Kitty Face Very Cute Brooch

ZZZNo Manual Keyword,Peridot olive,Peridot Rhinestone,Peridot Brooch,Peridot Kitty,Peridot Face,Peridot Very,Peridot Cute,olive Peridot,olive Rhinestone,olive Brooch,olive Kitty,olive Face,olive Very,olive Cute,Rhinestone Peridot,Rhinestone olive,Rhinestone Brooch,Rhinestone Kitty,Rhinestone Face,Rhinestone Very,Rhinestone Cute,Brooch Peridot,Brooch olive,Brooch Rhinestone,Brooch Kitty,Brooch Face,Brooch Very,Brooch Cute,Kitty Peridot,Kitty olive,Kitty Rhinestone,Kitty Brooch,Kitty Face,Kitty Very,Kitty Cute,Face Peridot,Face olive,Face Rhinestone,Face Brooch,Face Kitty,Face Very,Face Cute,Very Peridot,Very olive,Very Rhinestone,Very Brooch,Very Kitty,Very Face,Very Cute,Cute Peridot,Cute olive,Cute Rhinestone,Cute Brooch,Cute Kitty,Cute Face,Cute Very

Sapphire Rhinestones Kitty Face Brooch Very Cute Brooch Cute Kitty Brooch

A great looking brooch is always an appreciated fashion accessory, very cute kitty face fully embedded and encrusted with sapphire light and dark rhinestone, is one of the best looking brooches , this cute brooch will add a sparkling flair to your jacket lapel or scarf. This brooch is perfect to give a fun, artistic flair to whatever it is that you are wearing. Each brooch is created for people who love high quality handcrafted jewelry with a price that is sure to make you smile. A great gift idea or an addition to your jewel collection. Pretty and feminine describes this vintage Brooch and excellent crafted Very Elegant Dainty and Sleek! An absolutely gorgeous vintage brooch ...
Pin Length: 1 inch wide and 1 inch long
Guarantee:100% Satisfaction for Material & Workmanship used in making this Jewelry

Jewelry Photo:
Sapphire Rhinestones Kitty Face Brooch Very Cute Brooch Cute Kitty Brooch

ZZZNo Manual Keyword,Sapphire Rhinestones,Sapphire Kitty,Sapphire Face,Sapphire Brooch,Sapphire Very,Sapphire Cute,Rhinestones Sapphire,Rhinestones Kitty,Rhinestones Face,Rhinestones Brooch,Rhinestones Very,Rhinestones Cute,Kitty Sapphire,Kitty Rhinestones,Kitty Face,Kitty Brooch,Kitty Very,Kitty Cute,Face Sapphire,Face Rhinestones,Face Kitty,Face Brooch,Face Very,Face Cute,Brooch Sapphire,Brooch Rhinestones,Brooch Kitty,Brooch Face,Brooch Very,Brooch Cute,Very Sapphire,Very Rhinestones,Very Kitty,Very Face,Very Brooch,Very Cute,Cute Sapphire,Cute Kitty

Bumble Bee Brooch Amehtyst Bumble Bee Brooch

A great looking brooch is always an appreciated fashion accessory, beautiful silver casting bumble bee brooch with amethyst rhinestones embedded all over the bee brooch, is one of the best looking brooches , this cute brooch will add a sparkling flair to your jacket lapel or scarf. This brooch is perfect to give a fun, artistic flair to whatever it is that you are wearing. Each brooch is created for people who love high quality handcrafted jewelry with a price that is sure to make you smile. A great gift idea or an addition to your jewel collection. Pretty and feminine describes this vintage Brooch and excellent crafted Very Elegant Dainty and Sleek! An absolutely gorgeous vintage brooch ...
Pin Length: 1 1/2 inches wide and 1 inch long
Guarantee:100% Satisfaction for Material & Workmanship used in making this Jewelry

Jewelry Photo:
Bumble Bee Brooch Amehtyst Bumble Bee Brooch

ZZZNo Manual Keyword,Bumble Bee,Bumble Brooch,Bumble Amehtyst,Bee Bumble,Bee Brooch,Bee Amehtyst,Brooch Bumble,Brooch Bee,Brooch Amehtyst,Amehtyst Bumble,Amehtyst Bee,Amehtyst Brooch

Aquamarine Bee Brooch Aquamarine Bumble Bee Brooch

A great looking brooch is always an appreciated fashion accessory, beautiful silver casting bumble bee brooch with aquamarine rhinestones embedded all over the bee brooch, is one of the best looking brooches , this cute brooch will add a sparkling flair to your jacket lapel or scarf. This brooch is perfect to give a fun, artistic flair to whatever it is that you are wearing. Each brooch is created for people who love high quality handcrafted jewelry with a price that is sure to make you smile. A great gift idea or an addition to your jewel collection. Pretty and feminine describes this vintage Brooch and excellent crafted Very Elegant Dainty and Sleek! An absolutely gorgeous vintage brooch ...
Pin Length: 1 1/2 inches wide and 1 inch long
Guarantee:100% Satisfaction for Material & Workmanship used in making this Jewelry

Jewelry Photo:
Aquamarine Bee Brooch Aquamarine Bumble Bee Brooch

ZZZNo Manual Keyword,Aquamarine Bee,Aquamarine Brooch,Aquamarine Bumble,Bee Aquamarine,Bee Brooch,Bee Bumble,Brooch Aquamarine,Brooch Bee,Brooch Bumble,Bumble Aquamarine,Bumble Bee,Bumble Brooch

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Lariat Necklaces made with Swarovski Crystals and Pearls

Lariat Necklace w/ Genuine Swarovski Mystic Pearls & Jet Crystals w/ Silver Spacer Black Leather Cord Necklace

Worn in so many ways, this classy lariat Necklace has Genuine Swarovski Mystic Black Pearls with Jet Cube Crystals with bali silver spacer accented genuine leather cord attached to both ends. Tie it and layer it long or short! Hangs beautiful. This is such a Beautiful and vermil with Excellent quality. Perfect with any outfit Superr Grade RARE HIGHEST QUALITY. Good shinning surface quality with unique attractiveness and fashionable flair to this stylish. What is in this season? Check this out! Necklace, a trendy Necklace, a perfect piece for anyone to wear for a formal or casual occassion!

Material Used: Genuine Swarovski Mystic Black Pearls 4mm 6mm and 8mm with 8mm cube jet Crystals and bali silver as spacer accented in black leather cord
Guarantee: 100% Satisfaction for Material & Workanship used in making this Jewelry

We can Customize as per your Color/length with matching Earrings/Bracelet as per your requirement

Jewelry Photo:
Lariat Necklace w/ Genuine Swarovski Mystic Pearls & Jet Crystals w/ Silver Spacer Black Leather Cord Necklace

ZZZNo Manual Keyword,Lariat Necklace,Lariat Genuine,Lariat Swarovski,Lariat Mystic,Lariat Pearls,Lariat Jet,Lariat Crystals,Lariat Silver,Lariat Spacer,Lariat Black,Lariat Leather,Lariat Cord,Necklace Lariat,Necklace Genuine,Necklace Swarovski,Necklace Mystic,Necklace Pearls,Necklace Jet,Necklace Crystals,Necklace Silver,Necklace Spacer,Necklace Black,Necklace Leather,Necklace Cord,Genuine Lariat,Genuine Necklace,Genuine Swarovski,Genuine Mystic,Genuine Pearls,Genuine Jet,Genuine Crystals,Genuine Silver,Genuine Spacer,Genuine Black,Genuine Leather,Genuine Cord,Swarovski Lariat,Swarovski Necklace,Swarovski Genuine,Swarovski Mystic,Swarovski Pearls,Swarovski Jet,Swarovski Crystals,Swarovski Silver,Swarovski Spacer,Swarovski Black,Swarovski Leather,Swarovski Cord,Mystic Lariat,Mystic Pearls

White Pearls Lariat Necklace w/ Genuine Swarovski Cube Clear Crystals Bali Silver Spacer Necklace

Worn in so many ways, this classy lariat Necklace has Genuine Swarovski White Pearls with Clear Cube Crystals with bali silver spacer accented genuine leather cord attached to both ends. Tie it and layer it long or short! Hangs beautiful. This is such a Beautiful and vermil with Excellent quality. Perfect with any outfit Superr Grade RARE HIGHEST QUALITY. Good shinning surface quality with unique attractiveness and fashionable flair to this stylish. What is in this season? Check this out! Necklace, a trendy Necklace, a perfect piece for anyone to wear for a formal or casual occassion!

Material Used: Genuine Swarovski White Pearls 4mm 6mm and 8mm with 8mm Clear cube Crystals and bali silver as spacer accented in black leather cord
Guarantee: 100% Satisfaction for Material & Workanship used in making this Jewelry

We can Customize as per your Color/length with matching Earrings/Bracelet as per your requirement

Jewelry Photo:
White Pearls Lariat Necklace w/ Genuine Swarovski Cube Clear Crystals Bali Silver Spacer Necklace

ZZZNo Manual Keyword,White Pearls,White Lariat,White Necklace,White Genuine,White Swarovski,White Cube,White Clear,White Crystals,White Bali,White Silver,White Spacer,Pearls White,Pearls Lariat,Pearls Necklace,Pearls Genuine,Pearls Swarovski,Pearls Cube,Pearls Clear,Pearls Crystals,Pearls Bali,Pearls Silver,Pearls Spacer,Lariat White,Lariat Pearls,Lariat Necklace,Lariat Genuine,Lariat Swarovski,Lariat Cube,Lariat Clear,Lariat Crystals,Lariat Bali,Lariat Silver,Lariat Spacer,Necklace White,Necklace Pearls,Necklace Lariat,Necklace Genuine,Necklace Swarovski,Necklace Cube,Necklace Clear,Necklace Crystals,Necklace Bali,Necklace Silver,Necklace Spacer,Genuine White,Genuine Pearls,Genuine Lariat,Genuine Necklace,Genuine Swarovski,Genuine Cube,Genuine Clear,Genuine Crystals,Genuine Bali,Cube White

Swarovski Copper Pearls Lariat Necklace & Swarovski Copper Crystals w/ Silver Beads Spacer Necklace

Worn in so many ways, this classy lariat Necklace has Genuine Swarovski Copper Pearls with Copper bicone Crystals with ball silver spacer accented genuine leather cord attached to both ends. Tie it and layer it long or short! Hangs beautiful. This is such a Beautiful and vermil with Excellent quality. Perfect with any outfit Superr Grade RARE HIGHEST QUALITY. Good shinning surface quality with unique attractiveness and fashionable flair to this stylish. What is in this season? Check this out! Necklace, a trendy Necklace, a perfect piece for anyone to wear for a formal or casual occassion!

Material Used: Genuine Swarovski Copper Pearls 4mm 6mm and 8mm with 8mm Copper Bicone Crystals and bali silver as spacer accented in black leather cord
Guarantee: 100% Satisfaction for Material & Workanship used in making this Jewelry

We can Customize as per your Color/length with matching Earrings/Bracelet as per your requirement

Jewelry Photo:
Swarovski Copper Pearls Lariat Necklace & Swarovski Copper Crystals w/ Silver Beads Spacer Necklace

ZZZNo Manual Keyword,Swarovski Copper,Swarovski Pearls,Swarovski Lariat,Swarovski Necklace,Swarovski Crystals,Swarovski Silver,Swarovski Beads,Swarovski Spacer,Copper Swarovski,Copper Pearls,Copper Lariat,Copper Necklace,Copper Crystals,Copper Silver,Copper Beads,Copper Spacer,Pearls Swarovski,Pearls Copper,Pearls Lariat,Pearls Necklace,Pearls Crystals,Pearls Silver,Pearls Beads,Pearls Spacer,Lariat Swarovski,Lariat Copper,Lariat Pearls,Lariat Necklace,Lariat Crystals,Lariat Silver,Lariat Beads,Lariat Spacer,Necklace Swarovski,Necklace Copper,Necklace Pearls,Necklace Lariat,Necklace Crystals,Necklace Silver,Necklace Beads,Necklace Spacer

Pearls lairat Necklace w/ Genuine Swarovski Peach Cube Crystals Bali Silver Spacer Necklace

Worn in so many ways, this classy lariat Necklace has Genuine Swarovski Peach Pearls with Peach Cube Crystals with bali silver spacer accented genuine leather cord attached to both ends. Tie it and layer it long or short! Hangs beautiful. This is such a Beautiful and vermil with Excellent quality. Perfect with any outfit Superr Grade RARE HIGHEST QUALITY. Good shinning surface quality with unique attractiveness and fashionable flair to this stylish. What is in this season? Check this out! Necklace, a trendy Necklace, a perfect piece for anyone to wear for a formal or casual occassion!

Material Used: Genuine Swarovski Peach Pearls 4mm 6mm and 8mm with 8mm Peach cube Crystals and bali silver as spacer accented in black leather cord
Guarantee: 100% Satisfaction for Material & Workanship used in making this Jewelry

We can Customize as per your Color/length with matching Earrings/Bracelet as per your requirement

Jewelry Photo:
Pearls lairat Necklace w/ Genuine Swarovski Peach Cube Crystals Bali Silver Spacer Necklace

ZZZNo Manual Keyword,Pearls lairat,Pearls Necklace,Pearls Genuine,Pearls Swarovski,Pearls Peach,Pearls Cube,Pearls Crystals,Pearls Bali,Pearls Silver,Pearls Spacer,lairat Pearls,lairat Necklace,lairat Genuine,lairat Swarovski,lairat Peach,lairat Cube,lairat Crystals,lairat Bali,lairat Silver,lairat Spacer,Necklace Pearls,Necklace lairat,Necklace Genuine,Necklace Swarovski,Necklace Peach,Necklace Cube,Necklace Crystals,Necklace Bali,Necklace Silver,Necklace Spacer,Genuine Pearls,Genuine lairat,Genuine Necklace,Genuine Swarovski,Genuine Peach,Genuine Cube,Genuine Crystals,Genuine Bali,Genuine Silver,Genuine Spacer,Swarovski Pearls,Swarovski lairat,Swarovski Necklace,Swarovski Genuine,Swarovski Peach,Swarovski Cube,Swarovski Crystals,Swarovski Bali,Swarovski Silver,Swarovski Spacer,Peach Cube

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Coral Red Jewelry Set Swarovski Coral Crystals & Rose Pink Pearls Necklace Set Wedding Jewelry

Coral Red Jewelry Set Swarovski Coral Crystals & Rose Pink Pearls Necklace Set Wedding Jewelry

This gorgeous round the Necklace with Genuine Swarovski Rose Pink Pearls and Coral Red Crystals. Our beaded Necklace features gorgeous with Genuine Swarovski Pearls and Crystals, each has been hand-matched and hand strung; the Necklace and earrings is The ultimate layering piece, or bold and beautiful on its own, you must-have this
Make your dream comes true, it is your special day Let us pamper you by creating the most lovely and perfect bridal jewelry just for you and your bridal party.

Material Used: Gneuine Swarovski Rose Pink Pearls 6mm and Coral Crystals 4mm
Necklace Length: 16 inches with 2 inches extension
Earrings: 4mm & 6mm Bicone and 6mm Rose Pink Pearls measures 1 inch long
Guarantee: 100% Satisfaction for Material & Workmanship used in making this Jewelry

We can make matching Bracelet/Earrings and/or CUSTOMIZE the Jewelry per your style, color choices

Jewelry Photo:
Coral Red Jewelry Set Swarovski Coral Crystals & Rose Pink Pearls Necklace Set Wedding Jewelry

ZZZNo Manual Keyword,Coral Red,Coral Jewelry,Coral Set,Coral Swarovski,Coral Crystals,Coral Rose,Coral Pink,Coral Pearls,Coral Necklace,Coral Wedding,Red Coral,Red Jewelry,Red Set,Red Swarovski,Red Crystals,Red Rose,Red Pink,Red Pearls,Red Necklace,Red Wedding,Jewelry Coral,Jewelry Red,Jewelry Set,Jewelry Swarovski,Jewelry Crystals,Jewelry Rose,Jewelry Pink,Jewelry Pearls,Jewelry Necklace,Jewelry Wedding,Set Coral,Set Red,Set Jewelry,Set Swarovski,Set Crystals,Set Rose,Set Pink,Set Pearls,Set Necklace,Set Wedding,Swarovski Coral,Swarovski Red,Swarovski Jewelry,Swarovski Set,Swarovski Crystals,Swarovski Rose,Swarovski Pink,Swarovski Pearls,Swarovski Necklace,Swarovski Wedding Twitter Updates

    follow me on Twitter

    About Me

    My photo - Fashionable Handcrafted Custom Jewelry / Non - Handcrafted Custom Jewelry Necklace Set, Necklaces, Earrings, Bracelets, Hip Hop, Hair Accessories, Brooches made of Swarovski Crystals, Genuine Pearls, Sterling Silver 92.5, Semi Precious Stones, Rhinestones, Shells, Tear drop, Cat Eye, Turquoise, Coral, Agate, Carnelian, Millefiori, Lucite, Boho, Fashion Long beads. Buy Wholesale Handcrafted Jewelry made of Swarovski Crystals, Genuine Pearls Jewelry from us per your Color, Style. We specialize in Handcrafted Custom Jewelry, Non - Handcrafted Custom Jewelry, Custom Bridal Jewelry for all occasions, Wedding, Bridal, Bridesmaid Gifts, Mother's Day, Valentine's Day. We have vast collections of Victorian / Vintage Style, Genuine Pearl Sets, Genuine Crystals, Freshwater Pearl Beaded, Swarovski Crystal Necklaces, Jewelry Sets, Earrings, Bracelets, Chokers.

    Fashion Costume Jewelry by